Established in 2010 - Geotechnical Solutions (Pty) Ltd. (Geo-Sol) provides innovative approaches to geological sciences, construction, geohydrological, environmental and civil engineering assisted services throughout South Africa.



Geo-Sol are specialists in 

Geotechnical Investigations - Recommendations for Structure Foundations, Pipelines, Bridges and Roads - Compaction Testing - DCP Testing - Soil Grading and Atterberg's - MOD AASHTO and CBR Material Classification - Concrete Strength Testing - Trial Pit Profiling and Excavations -  Water Quality Testing - Borehole and Exploration Drilling - Environmental Impact Assessments - Environmental Audits



Geotechnical Solutions is a South African Department of Health Accredited Licensed Nuclear Authority.




 Geo-Sol provides geotechnical assisted services to most major industry corporations, companies and professionals. Our resume boasts over 500 completed projects.

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